Friday, January 27, 2006

The Biggest GAINER

Today I am four weeks old. Time flies! My New Year's resolution was to gain weight and I am succeeding. Mommy had me weighed again yesterday and I was 8 pounds, 2 ounces indicating I am still eating well.

Attached is a picture Mommy took of me today in my crib. The other picture shows Daddy & me enjoying my favorite past time!

Friday, January 20, 2006

A Day in the Life

This past Monday I had my heel pricked again for the newborn screening & I didn't cry because I am a tough girl!

Mom & I have settled into a routine together. I spend most of the day sleeping, eating and gnawing on my binky. Every day at some point we go for a walk in the stroller. We also read books. Today we brought Mocha on our walk. She needs more practice walking alongside a stroller. The weather was great, 75 & sunny. Daddy comes home at around 5:30 every evening and then we spend a lot of time snuggling.

Friday, January 13, 2006

The word of the Day: Perfect

Today was my two week doctor's appointment. Today I weighed 7 lbs, 7 ounces and I am still 21 inches long. I have been pounding the milk as Mommy suspected. Dr. Wendy said I was perfect! Funny, I thought (I could only think it since I can't talk yet), that is what my shirt says! My next appointment with the doctor is at two months.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Maddie takes over

Mommy & Daddy tell me that since I am almost two weeks old I am ready to maintain my own blog. So here goes!

I've been really busy eating & sleeping since I was born. This week Mommy & I started taking walks in the stroller around the neighborhood. It has been sunny and about 70 degrees this week. It has been some time since we've had rain and it is causing wildfires in North Texas. I hear we may get some rain this weekend--hopefully!

I've attached some pictures Mom took of me yesterday, including one of me enduring the dreaded sponge bath. Mommy promised that it was my last sponge bath, due to my umbilical cord getting ready to fall off. Sure enough, it came off today. She thinks I've gained weight. We'll know for sure tomorrow at my 2-week doctor's appointment.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Baby Gear

It's been a very busy day of trying out new toys and organizing Maddie's wardrobe.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Daddy's girl

Home At Last!

We were all glad to get out of the hospital and start out life at home together. Maddie is catching some z's in her pack & play which is acting as her temporary crib in the Master Bedroom while Mommy recovers.

Happy New Year!

The Wightmans' spent their first day as a family in the hospital and it was New Year's Eve. To make the evening a little more special, Daddy brought in sparkling pear cider & restaurant take-out.

At midnight (Texas time) , all three rung in the new year together. Maddie even wore a hat to celebrate.

The Birth Story

Labor with Madeline went something like this. 10:00 AM, Kristen was started on IV fluids, and about 10:20A the Pitocin was started. Kristen's doctor broke her bag of waters at 1:05 pm to help things along. It was during labor that Kristen discovered how absolutely wonderful ice chips taste when you haven't eaten or even had water since the night before! At 2:00 pm Kristen received some pain meds to take the edge off the contractions. At 3:30 the epidural was started. By 8:50, Kristen had developed a fever of 101.7 so antibiotics were administered. By 9:15 Kristen was dilated to 10 cm, however the baby was not in the optimal position for birth, so Kristen was placed on her side in the hopes Baby would flip around. After much pushing there was little progress. It was discovered that Baby was making the way out "sunny side up" which is a much more difficult labor. Also noted was that Baby's vitals were being impacted with each push. Forceps were ultimately used to bring Baby out due to the difficult labor & the umbilical cord wrapped around Baby's shoulder. Madeline Haley was born at 11:19 PM at 6 pounds, 13 ounces & 21 inches long. Mom was extremely happy to finally have her out & huggable!