Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Coyote's Tiniest Valentine

Happy Valentine's Day! Today was great. At school we had a pizza party and we all exchanged valentines with each other. Mommy made cookies for me to share with the other babies. She wrote each baby's name on a cookie with edible pastry markers. A few days ago, I met Coyote, the mascot for the San Antonio Spurs. He was reluctant to hand me back to Mommy after our photo. He wanted to take me home! We've all been very busy lately helping Grandma Jan & Grandpa Bob move into their new house. This weekend we are going to Rodeo, and next weekend we leave for Tahoe for some winter time fun. Mommy's company finally opened the office here, so she will soon be going in three times a week. I've been healthy lately since I beat my sinus infection--knock on wood! XOXOXO