Friday, June 26, 2009

We had a very nice spring in Texas - we even got blue bonnets again this year, but it was very cool - modelling isn't as glamorous as it seems!

Grandma Ellen came to visit again - among the cool things we got to do was shopping at the San Antonio Children's Museum!

I have also been expanding my palatte (trying new things) - and even new silverware with a little help.

Finally, some big news - we got a new puppy for Easter! Her name is Dublin and we got her from the animal shelter. She is really nice and cute but still likes to chew on everything, especially my shoes. She gets a lot of time-outs.
We have a lot of fun together though, and I get to help feed her.

Anyway, I will write again soon.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Mommy and Daddy are wayyyy behind on my blog, so they are going to do a few to catch up or I will give them a 'time-out'.

Anyway, since I last posted I have been doing a lot of new stuff.

First I am working on my bike (trike) riding - Daddy is very proud.

Then we went to the Rodeo aand I finally worked up the courage to ride a pony!

Finally we got around to taking my formal Birthday pictures!

Anway, I will post more exciting news in a few days, promise!