Monday, January 02, 2006

The Birth Story

Labor with Madeline went something like this. 10:00 AM, Kristen was started on IV fluids, and about 10:20A the Pitocin was started. Kristen's doctor broke her bag of waters at 1:05 pm to help things along. It was during labor that Kristen discovered how absolutely wonderful ice chips taste when you haven't eaten or even had water since the night before! At 2:00 pm Kristen received some pain meds to take the edge off the contractions. At 3:30 the epidural was started. By 8:50, Kristen had developed a fever of 101.7 so antibiotics were administered. By 9:15 Kristen was dilated to 10 cm, however the baby was not in the optimal position for birth, so Kristen was placed on her side in the hopes Baby would flip around. After much pushing there was little progress. It was discovered that Baby was making the way out "sunny side up" which is a much more difficult labor. Also noted was that Baby's vitals were being impacted with each push. Forceps were ultimately used to bring Baby out due to the difficult labor & the umbilical cord wrapped around Baby's shoulder. Madeline Haley was born at 11:19 PM at 6 pounds, 13 ounces & 21 inches long. Mom was extremely happy to finally have her out & huggable!


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