Saturday, December 31, 2005

Here she is!

Without further ado, introducing Madeline Haley Wightman:

Friday, December 30, 2005

this is an audio post - click to play

this is an audio post - click to play

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Baby's Due date & week 40 visit

Kristen visited the doctor today for the last check-up before the induction date set for this Friday. The doctor noted she was 2-3 cm dilated, and she feels the conditions are favorable for induction. She still feels Kristen's chances are better than some to be accepted for induction on Friday, out-ranking the January due dates scheduled on the same day. Doctor estimates Baby to weigh no more than eight pounds. Hello? Six or seven pounds is plenty of baby to squeeze out!

Check Friday for updates, which will most likely be audio clips directly from the hospital!

Merry Christmas Baby, nursery tour part II

Baby was subjected to more spoiling on Christmas with a new stuffed dog, some footed sleepers & a cool wagon. Mommy & Daddy added a rug, lamp & drawer pulls that coordinated with the doggie theme of the room.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Week 39 and yes, still pregnant

Today was the week 39 doctor visit. Today she noted Kristen was 2cm and 80% for effacement. Once again the doctor tried the rough exam tactic in the hope it would accelerate the start of labor. The staff at the doctor's office empathize with Kristen regarding her ever- puffier hands and feet & hope Baby makes the debut soon.

Kristen will see the doctor one more time on Dec. 28--Baby's actual due date. She is still scheduled to be induced on December 30.

At this point, Kristen is looking forward to Christmas & day-after-Christmas shopping since Baby is apparently in no hurry to leave Mommy's warm & comfy belly!

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Good times, Good times...

Kristen is not allowing photos at this point in the game, but she was willing to allow this one in.

This is a photograph of the engagement ring & wedding band and how well they fit at this point. Kristen is definitely looking forward to losing the staypuff marshmallow mom symptoms!

Thirteen days until Baby's due date.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

week 38, motivated to move product!

Hey y'all,

Today was the week 38 check-up. Kristen is still 1-2 for her dilation. The doctors are motivated for Baby to be born before Christmas, can ya blame 'em? Today Kristen's doctor tried "stripping the membranes" to stir things up. If she was successful, the labor would start within 24-48 hours. The doctor does not think she was successful and anticipates Kristen being back for her week 39 appointment. The good news is that Kristen's BP has been back down to a more "normal" level for the last two visits so pre-ecclampsia is not a concern at this point. She still has puffy legs & hands & has nicknamed herself the Staypuffed Marshmallow Mom.

Kristen met the other two doctors in the practice today in case one of these women is the doctor on call when she does go into labor. Anyone know any magic to get this going?

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

week 37, only 3 weeks 'til due date

Kristen had her week 37 appointment today. The doctor checked for dilation again and today she reported Kristen is 1-2 cm. It's not a lot but you only need 10 cm for full dilation! She also said that someone who is dilated three weeks before generally does not go past her due date. Hopefully that holds true!

They did, however schedule an induction date of 30 December just in case. Apparently at this time of year, people due in early January schedule inductions for end of December to try to make the tax deduction deadline. Kristen would out rank some of the folks scheduled on that day since she would be past due date at that point.

The goal right now is to take lots of walks and try to help labor progress naturally!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Nursery Tour

For those of you who haven't come to amazing San Antonio to visit us, shame on you!

Anyway, here's a shot from Baby's room. Our nursery theme is red/white/blue with Labrador Retrievers dedicated to Big Sister Mocha. She enjoys napping on the floor near the crib.

Week 36, MD visit

Kristen visited her doctor on Dec. 2. It was determined Baby had moved into the head down position which was good news. So far there is no dilation, but partial effacement. They are watching her closely due to the puffy ankle issue. They would want to induce if she started PIH, but you cannot induce without dilation. So Kristen will take it easy ("Easy" as defined by Kristen) and think positive thoughts of dilation!

Thursday, December 01, 2005

A blog is born

Construction of our blog has begun! Check often for updates on Baby Wightman's status.