Wednesday, December 14, 2005

week 38, motivated to move product!

Hey y'all,

Today was the week 38 check-up. Kristen is still 1-2 for her dilation. The doctors are motivated for Baby to be born before Christmas, can ya blame 'em? Today Kristen's doctor tried "stripping the membranes" to stir things up. If she was successful, the labor would start within 24-48 hours. The doctor does not think she was successful and anticipates Kristen being back for her week 39 appointment. The good news is that Kristen's BP has been back down to a more "normal" level for the last two visits so pre-ecclampsia is not a concern at this point. She still has puffy legs & hands & has nicknamed herself the Staypuffed Marshmallow Mom.

Kristen met the other two doctors in the practice today in case one of these women is the doctor on call when she does go into labor. Anyone know any magic to get this going?


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